Everyday we’re hustling, but at what cost to our mental health?

Many, myself included, fall into the trap of pushing ourselves too hard. I’ve been guilty of this in past roles—barely making it through each day, week, or project. Our existence becomes confined to work, leaving minimal energy for other aspects of life. The high cost of living is a major stressor for many, especially for those in vulnerable industries. The stoic approach to job survival involves putting our heads down and bums up. However, the hustle culture – working long hours to appear “successful” – raises the question: At what cost is it taking a toll on our mental health?

Hustle culture is contributing to poor work-life habits, including:

Mood Impact

Hustle culture promotes an all or nothing mentality, leading to increased stress and anxiety when attempting to maintain work output and deadlines.

Burnout Symptoms

In hustle culture, exhaustion is normalized, and many believe in pushing through to the next break—whether it’s the weekend, a holiday, or a vacation. The issue is, we get a moment of rest, but return to the same environment without any change, feeling burnt out long term.

Unhealthy habits

Long days at work, as well as working on weekends to reduce your workload are taking away from wellbeing habits such as nutrition, exercise, play and sleep quality.

Loss of creativity

Studies have shown that long term stress impacts our brain structure, including shrinking the hippocampus, which is responsible for creativity and imagination.

Relationship issues

Time spent in the office takes away from building connection with your family, significant other or friends. This can contribute to strained relationships, isolation from social events and loneliness.

Loss of identity

When we neglect the other domains of our identity, such as connection, hobbies and interests, and self-care, we create an imbalance in our well-being.

Mistakes and errors

Hours at work don’t necessarily equate to quality output. Studies reveal that those working 60 hours produced less than those working 40 hours. Rest is crucial for refuelling, retaining skills, and improving memory and concentration. Burning the candle at both ends can lead to mistakes and negative consequences at work.

The prevailing mindset prioritizing relentless work and sacrificing well-being for professional success is a concern. While seeking job security and financial stability is natural, we must value a healthy work-life balance and set boundaries. Burning the candle at both ends may bring short-term gains but takes a toll on overall well-being. It’s crucial to prioritize self-care, set clear boundaries, and seek fulfillment beyond work. This fosters a more sustainable and fulfilling approach to work, allowing personal and professional thriving.

True success isn’t just in relentless hustle, but in achieving a harmonious blend of work, life, and personal well-being. If you’re seeking to improve work-life balance and address burnout, reach out for a free 15-minute consultation to discuss your treatment goals with us.

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